Author |
Message |
Jennifer Boardman
| Posted on Saturday, February 26, 2005 - 11:11 pm: |     |
I'll be at the Aquarium in the afternoon tomorrow, (Sunday) and would appreciate some back up. Bring your fish sticks and flyers and let's stand together and communicate with the people who feel helpless. Let's show them how they can help and educate them about our strategy, raise money, persuade Kwame to give us time to become a nonprofit associated with a big name corporation, and emailing our state officials. Help me. Let's be a presence there tomorrow. |
Diana R. Dubbeld (Diana)
| Posted on Sunday, February 27, 2005 - 10:53 am: |     |
I'll be there. |
| Posted on Sunday, February 27, 2005 - 12:43 pm: |     |
Too little too late |
Diana R. Dubbeld (Diana)
| Posted on Sunday, February 27, 2005 - 2:23 pm: |     |
Its better to have tried, than to have sat idle and done nothing at all Anonymous. |
Suzan Campbell
| Posted on Sunday, February 27, 2005 - 4:19 pm: |     |
Diana and Jennifer - Thanks so much for getting out there. If I could be there today I would, and the aquarium is well worth the effort. Frankly I am a little disturbed by people like Anonymous lurking on the site - don't listen to him/her. What is Anonymous' motivation, anyway? If they aren't interested, why are they wasting their time? You've got to wonder. It isn't over til it's over - again - thanks for all of your hard work. |
Diana R. Dubbeld (Diana)
| Posted on Sunday, February 27, 2005 - 7:18 pm: |     |
I stoped by today from 3-5:30pm and the line was from the fromt of the building to the end of the sidewalk at the parking lot. Very impressive! I'ev never seen the place packed like it was today. Gotta love the power of publicity! |
| Posted on Monday, February 28, 2005 - 8:30 am: |     |
fobia you've had lot of publicity, now you need the $$$. Large attendance is good (probably too late), especially for Mr. Kagan as he gets the attendance fees. |
Kathleen Peet
| Posted on Monday, February 28, 2005 - 8:35 am: |     |
I was there yesterday with my son and some extended family. It was just so awesome to see the support that everyone is trying to give. I couldn't believe the attendance by everyone. Hopefully that will help to show the mayor that people care and really want this place to stay open. It will definately be a waste if this place closes, the building in itself is enough reason to keep this place open. |
Diana R. Dubbeld (Diana)
| Posted on Monday, February 28, 2005 - 10:27 am: |     |
It just goes to show what the power of publicity does for a place like the aquarium. Too bad it was never publicised right in recent years. |
James P. Teevens, Architect
| Posted on Monday, February 28, 2005 - 6:13 pm: |     |
I am most grateful that there is a Belle Isle in our magnificient city of Detroit. I am thankful to the visonary investors and designers. I am just mailing off the collections of donations to the New York Firefighter's 9-11 Fund - a task proving to be more difficult as time passed and the public access to the correct recipient becomes less and less apparent. Though we only collected about a grand over these 4 years, I will work to turn the donations in. I have been emailed a request to speak out on the Aquarium issue. It is the right thing to do for the future, regardless of the difficulty. Make the decision now - everyone who believes in our children's future - to fund that future despite the adversities, injustices and puny consequence to self - that such a committment entails. I'll share just one example of the multi-cultural benefit of this amenity found only in Detroit. The Aquarium is used for the Japanese Business Society of Detroit - for the Fine Art Competition Vignette. This is just one of the annual activities bringing people to the Aquarium. No records of that attendance have been considered. Belle Isle's Aquarium belongs on the National Society of Historic Preservations' List of protected structures. On the last day of Black History Month - I appeal to all in power, regardless or race, color or creed, use wisely your resources, with compassion, with a judicial mind of what is good about our State's past to keep it sacred, protect it for what is good about the present and ensure it is available for future generations. Please, do not act so quickly to shut it down. I know very little about how to protect this aquarium but count on you out there who can. I have a pencil sketch of the aquarium, am willing to donate it, place it on EBAY, whatever, if it can preserve this monument, this positive Detroit way of life that is possible, for our children's education and future. It is not enough to just have a memory. A symbol and on-going funded public facility seems to me to be the preferable future, the best way to speak of family and moral values. Can anyone help? It will take those of us with an emotional connection, an inspiration from our spiritual self to take the time to act. There are groups studying how to protect the Great Lakes, there must be a way to connect that plan with this historic structure which has served the community, honoring our stewardship into the future, renewing and recognizing it a viable, worthwhile amenity. We know who will benefit if we are successful in securing funding for the aquarium - will we know who could have been better off if the facility is discontinued? |
| Posted on Tuesday, March 01, 2005 - 9:52 am: |     |
I am glad that there are alot of support out there, but do you think if we all called our State Historic Perservation Office (517-373-1630) they could help? If could go over the mayor's head and get help. Show them we will continue to be there,not just for now. That we do have a plan for a year round support. Someone even suggested a prorgram like what the Detroit ZOO has. We could call it Adopt-A-Fish program. The fees could start out as little as $25 to maybe as much as $1000. I hope we can do this,no I know we can do this. I glad that everone is trying,but we need more! We need to raise our voices. Spread the word,and raise more money. I know we can do it! |
Kathryne Winkler
| Posted on Tuesday, March 01, 2005 - 5:33 pm: |     |
Hello! I am so proud of all the people that are involved with saving our aquarium. You all are wonderful heroes! To close our priceless "fish house" will be a great loss. Thank you James Teevens for such a caring post. Where can I get some fish sticks? I would like to place some on my front lawn. I live in Sterling Heights. It would make others more aware of FOBIA and the good they are doing! Thanks and good luck! |
| Posted on Tuesday, March 01, 2005 - 6:58 pm: |     |
Nah nah nah nah hey hey hey good bye |
| Posted on Tuesday, March 01, 2005 - 9:07 pm: |     |
Anonymous, I guess you don't have much of a life since you're wasting your time on this site. How ignorant can you really be?? Just because their are dedicated people trying to save a part of history, you sit there and make fun of them? You obviously have never cared about anything important in your life since you are posting messages like you have. |
Kathryne Winkler
| Posted on Tuesday, March 01, 2005 - 9:39 pm: |     |
Thank you Kathleen. Anonymous, you are very rude! |
Dorian Gray
| Posted on Tuesday, March 01, 2005 - 10:04 pm: |     |
Anonymous, Get a life, or at least get out of ours please. I hope we all rally at the aquarium again this weekend, I know I'll be there. Last weekend was awsome. Just hope the doors are open so I can get in and see the fish. |
Michael Bartlett (Mike)
| Posted on Tuesday, March 01, 2005 - 10:56 pm: |     |
My recommendation to people who care to support the aquarium is to simply read past the posts made by people who have nothing constructive to offer. We definitely have better things to do with our emotional energy. I will likely post similarly in other areas of the forum as needed. There is no sense getting bogged down. |
Jennifer Boardman
| Posted on Wednesday, March 02, 2005 - 9:25 am: |     |
Greetings. To our supporters, please come out to the aquarium today, Wednesday, March 2, 2005. (To Anonymous, I would love to meet you. Please come on out and I'll take you on a personal tour of the aquarium and soften your heart) FOBIA members will be there pretty much all day to hand out flyers. We are putting up a banner which reads "Don't sell the jewel for the cost of polishing" ala Coleman A. Young. I'm not sure exactly how we'll do it without defacing public property but where there's a will there's a way! We'll have coffee and cookies and we can meet eachother again, strategize and show our support to keep the aquarium alive, well, and solvent. Please be there if you can. |
| Posted on Wednesday, March 02, 2005 - 1:21 pm: |     |
Are the hours going to be extended for those of us who have 9-5 jobs and cannot leave early? |
Diana R. Dubbeld (Diana)
| Posted on Wednesday, March 02, 2005 - 8:41 pm: |     |
M, I would sugest that you come down on the weekend to visit. The employees have not been told about a closing date. |
pat brochstein
| Posted on Wednesday, March 02, 2005 - 9:25 pm: |     |
One of the reasons i never go on chat rooms is there are many persons, who for whatever reason, seems to feel like it is their duty to disagree with the topic on hand. our purpose it to serious for this idle chat. i am looking forward to an update on the fobia meeting with the mayor, as posted on the fobia news. also is there a firm closing date for the aquarium? |
Jennifer Boardman
| Posted on Thursday, March 03, 2005 - 9:45 am: |     |
Pat - there is no firm closing date. We are fighting a day-to-day battle. We will have more information for you after our meeting with the Mayor today, 3/3. |
| Posted on Thursday, March 03, 2005 - 1:42 pm: |     |
I will also be looking forward to a post-conference-with-Kilpatrick-update. I am also curious as to where/how the $14,000+ raised by your organization will be distributed if this preposterous event of closing the aquarium actually occurs. |
Penelope Bowler
| Posted on Thursday, March 03, 2005 - 4:27 pm: |     |
I have been busy with school so I am horrified to hear that I missed earler opportunities to be proactive regarding this issue. I am from New York City so I value the few cultural ammenities that remain in Detroit. I believe if he could, Mayor Kilpatrick would auction off the contents of the DIA for a new Cadillac Escalade! We must protect this vauable resource. As well as rid the city of corrupt leaders such as the Mayor,but first things first. I planned to visit the aquarium tomorrow. Since I do not drive this is not an easy task. I hope my adventures on the bus tomorrow are not to visit locked doors! Please contact me about helping with the day to day struggle, I live in Ferndale.I hope it is not too late. |
| Posted on Thursday, March 03, 2005 - 5:01 pm: |     |
On tv they make a brief mention of the aquarium closing,but not much else. why is that? The public media would be a great tool. Have this address put out over the wire,not just a mentation. Anybody with ties would help. Maybe we can start with radio? Have a live broadcast. Or just talking to our local D.J.'s. Do you think that would help? Any plans for Sunday at the aquarium? Please post it on this site. Thank you from this silent supporter.Are you still doing the donation cans? |
Jennifer Boardman
| Posted on Thursday, March 03, 2005 - 8:49 pm: |     |
Dear Penelope: I hope your visit to the aquarium was successful and rewarding. Please feel free to attend our Friends of the Belle Isle Aquarium meeting in your hometown of Ferndale, tomorrow, Friday at 7 (9 and Woodward) We need volunteers, letter writers, people willing to call our state officials, etc. Tomorrow's meeting will be very informative. Try to come. If you can't please email me at and I will be happy to answer any questions or update you. Best regards. |
Jennifer Boardman
| Posted on Thursday, March 03, 2005 - 10:55 pm: |     |
Dear Anonymous -- the official "closing" date is the first week of April - but we don't accept that. We do have a plan, come to our meeting. Tommorrow at the Coffee Beanery in Ferndale. Yes, we have donation "boxes" (a little more polished then "cans") and --- Yes, talk to D.J.s Dick Purtin just did a telethon at Oakland Mall for the Salvation Army and raised over a million dollars. So, any connection we have, we need to make the most of. FOBIA members will be at the aquarium all weekend, and any time the aquarium is open. Come stand with us. Your ideas will be appreciated. |
Jennifer Boardman
| Posted on Thursday, March 03, 2005 - 11:03 pm: |     |
Dear Architect James: We are very interested in seeing your pencil sketch of the aquarium. There has been talk of a possible coffee table book of the aquarium which would include old postcards, current photographs, people and the exhibits. Please contact one of us at the or email me directly We are setting up an "Art Committee" and we would be very interested in what you have to offer. Thank you for your kind posting. And, if you can, come to our meeting tomorrow, Friday at the Coffee Beanery at 7 in Ferndale, at 9 and Woodward. |
| Posted on Thursday, March 03, 2005 - 11:48 pm: |     |
At least you get a few more weeks to say goodby |
Alex Krentzin
| Posted on Thursday, March 03, 2005 - 11:55 pm: |     |
Hi I would like to be on your Art committee. How do I join? Thanks. |
Jennifer Boardman
| Posted on Friday, March 04, 2005 - 12:05 am: |     |
Dear Alex - you must walk across burning cole... just kidding. Come to our meeting tomorrow at the Coffee Beanery on 9 and Woodward in Ferndale at 7 tomorrow. Bring your talent and your ideas. We need posters, flyers, membership cards, etc. You are welcome to emai me at Thanks for your support. I look forward to seeing you, Alex. If you can't make the meeting I'm happy to update you. |
Jennifer Boardman
| Posted on Friday, March 04, 2005 - 12:07 am: |     |
Dear Anonymous - actually no, the trucks from national aquariums and zoos are pulling up to our doors daily, taking our exhibits. So, saying good bye is more a daily thing. |
| Posted on Friday, March 04, 2005 - 10:58 am: |     |
It is impossible really to go to any meetings at night especially up in Ferndale. I live Downriver. I have not seen any boxes or anything down here. Is there a way we can get some distributed down here? When is the deadline for the money? That way if I did the some posters if I should include the postal address. Any plans for a daytime meeting Downriver? I can help with the distriution of somethings,but I try to do what I can.I cannot make it out this,but I am trying for next weekend. I have a Wedding Shower I must attend this sunday. One more question why do I have to download the posters instead of just printing them out? I am not computer friendly that is why I ask. Downriver secret supporter. |
| Posted on Friday, March 04, 2005 - 4:15 pm: |     |
I just read the letter from Mrs. Grandholm,nice touch. Do you think she is just thinking of relection. Where is the money? A donation would be nice,not just words. What gets me is the people who make millions and just give pocket change. You cannot take it with you. More people should be like MR. Fisher. |
| Posted on Friday, March 04, 2005 - 6:10 pm: |     |
Ain't no fish left the aquarium. the tanks are full |
Jennifer Boardman
| Posted on Saturday, March 05, 2005 - 1:06 am: |     |
Downriver Anonymous - sorry about there not being any day time meetings, unfortunately all of us volunteers have day jobs, which if we take off, we are spending at the aquarium. If you would like to email me directly, I will be happy to get a donation distribution box to you. There is no deadline for the money. The "official" date, is approximately 4/3, although we at FOBIA do not accept that date, so we have a month to raise the important $5, $10 and $20 that have added up so fast. If you would like to distribute flyers I would be happy to mail them to you. Just email me directly and I will make sure you get flyers! Thank you for your support. |
Diana R. Dubbeld (Diana)
| Posted on Saturday, March 05, 2005 - 2:16 am: |     |
Fish have left for Dallas, Canada and North Carolina. Ohio will be following shortly. |
| Posted on Saturday, March 05, 2005 - 9:45 am: |     |
jennifer did you recieve my e-mail.downriver |
| Posted on Saturday, March 05, 2005 - 5:19 pm: |     |
FOBIA, get your information correct about any fish that have left the aquarium. Providing incorrect information is not in anyones best interest. |
Vance Patrick
| Posted on Saturday, March 05, 2005 - 7:55 pm: |     |
| Posted on Saturday, March 05, 2005 - 10:07 pm: |     |
I am an 18 year old student from East Detroit and I remember times from when i was a little kid coming to Belle Isle with my deceased mother and since the recent news of the detroit aquarium closing it has really made me think. Obviously kwame has not really taken a look at detroit to make a decesion as he has. He has boarded up homes but not taken care of them, pot holes ALL over the city, and detroit is now the number one death capital of the USA. And now the youth are being pulled away from Belle isle. This is totally unnacceptable. I would have no problem paying a $2-$5 fees to get into the island. the cost will be well worth it. This Island has so many memories not just for me but through carvings in the trees from years ago to the opening of the aquarium to the magnificant view of Downtown Detroit. Kwame should stop leasing 70,000 dollar veicles and pay more attention to the values of Detroit. yes the superbowl is a big thing but what happens after the superbowl. EXACTLY!!!! As the youth of Michigan and of Detroit I personally think Kwame should not be voted BACK into office but that we should get a real MAN to take power and do something right for this city because of obciouly LITTLE boys can not handle the job |
Diana R. Dubbeld (Diana)
| Posted on Sunday, March 06, 2005 - 12:26 am: |     |
Dallas - sailfin mollies North Carolina - 2 gar, 2 crappie, 2 sunfish, 2 bowfins Canada - asian red arowana Ohio- not shipped out but will be a huge chunk leaving next week "Detroit" Zoo - saltwater fish I also know that some of the lyretail cichlids, saltwater coral, and plecos were/will be shipped out, dont remember where to though. Also, the eastern bottlenose mormrid died this past week. If you dont believe me, call down to the aquarium and ask. Otherwise, leave your smart remarks for someone who cares. |
Diana R. Dubbeld (Diana)
| Posted on Sunday, March 06, 2005 - 12:31 am: |     |
On another note, great to hear that attendance today was great! I'll be there tomorrow! |
Stephen Goodfellow
| Posted on Sunday, March 06, 2005 - 11:59 am: |     |
Addendum and correction: Arowana shipped to Toledo, not Canada. No fish sent to North Carolina. Mormrid died two months ago. All fish shipments canclled until April 3rd. |
| Posted on Sunday, March 06, 2005 - 1:32 pm: |     |
Time's ticking to say goodby |
| Posted on Sunday, March 06, 2005 - 3:12 pm: |     |
Hey anonymous - I hear the attendance was over 2,000 yesterday at the aquarium...... Clocks can always be reset. Thanks again, FOBIA - Zoo "experts" said they couldn't boost the aquarium's attendance, but you're showing them how to do their job, - there are a lot of us out here who appreciate it. |
| Posted on Sunday, March 06, 2005 - 9:27 pm: |     |
Clocks evewntually wear out and need to be replaced, like the aquarium. |
Diana R. Dubbeld (Diana)
| Posted on Sunday, March 06, 2005 - 10:05 pm: |     |
People were lined up to the parking lot again today. I'm still surprised by the ammount of people that never knew it was there. Clocks can be repaired like anything else, just because something is broken, does not mean you throw it out. You fix it. Unfortunately, society likes cheap/new fixes instead of fixing something prexsisting up to last even longer. Luckily, the aquarium will be an exception to that rule. |
Stephen Goodfellow
| Posted on Sunday, March 06, 2005 - 10:19 pm: |     |
"...Clocks evewntually wear out and need to be replaced, like the aquarium...." Old aquariums - like old clocks can be fixed. Perhaps you ought to tell Greenfield Village to throw away all those old clocks. While you're at it, why not get in touch with Naples and tell them that their Aquarium Anton Dohrn is old and ought to be replaced: |
Jennifer Boardman
| Posted on Sunday, March 06, 2005 - 10:20 pm: |     |
Well Done! Now let's gear up for the week days and really boost attendance this weekend! Thank you everyone for your support, your attendance and your donations. Just because people came this weekend doesn't mean they can't come back next weekend, with their friends and family. |
Michael Bartlett (Mike)
| Posted on Monday, March 07, 2005 - 1:07 am: |     |
It was a fantastic day. I felt more life in our efforts than ever before. Many people who were formerly coming by with little hope now seem to have a spark in their eye. We are awakening the city of Detroit and it is a beautiful sight! |
Jennifer Boardman
| Posted on Monday, March 07, 2005 - 7:48 pm: |     |
Exactly! The people who were there on Saturday were so glad to see us out there. In fact, many people donated again, on their way OUT of the aquarium because their appreciation was so great and they were so impressed by the quality of our small, old, lovely aqaurium. I'm fielding lots of emails generated by our presence. We really have momentum. Let's keep it up! |
| Posted on Tuesday, March 08, 2005 - 10:41 am: |     |
I just read Taylor received from Wayne County Parks $100,000,is their anyway we can get the same support? Where all the donation boxes being placed? Has anyone tried all the places we do our bussines like banks,gas stations,clothes,churches,etc.Jennifer I will try e-mail you again today,maybe I will get through this time.I want to post the flyer at some local business. Any chance of any corporate support? I see companys always saying how much they support their communities,where are they now? So I challange them now to step up to plate. Downriver! |
Jennifer Boardman
| Posted on Wednesday, March 09, 2005 - 10:22 am: |     |
Dear Anonymous - our email server has been finicky lately. Would you be able to fax me the article you read about re: Wayne County Parks? If so, my fax is (248) 548-4012. You may download flyers from our home page, hand them out at will. We are diligently working on corporate support. I agree with you, where ARE they now. Perhaps we just have not asked the right ones. If you have any contacts, please run them down or email them to us. Your individual help, letter writing to Mr. Kagan, the Zoo Board, the Governor, City Counsil and the Mayor, along with donations coming in - in $5, $10 and $20 amounts, will be what saves our aquarium. Thank you. |
| Posted on Wednesday, March 09, 2005 - 6:08 pm: |     |
downriver.Iam in the process of seeing if I can put out some homemade donation boxes out. Old coffee cans work great.If everyone could put out at least 2,I bet we could raise the funds faster. Everthing you need is on this site. I want to see them out there,or at least the flyers.There are alot of places where you can post them like banks,the corner stores,grocery stores,etc.So everybody get busy. |
Jennifer Boardman
| Posted on Friday, March 11, 2005 - 9:32 am: |     |
Dear Downriver Anonymous- I got your message and will get the article when I am at the aquarium on Saturday. Thank you for your energy and your support. Maybe you can be our Downriver connection! |
| Posted on Friday, March 11, 2005 - 5:04 pm: |     |
just say goodby aquarium |
| Posted on Friday, March 11, 2005 - 5:19 pm: |     |
It is better to try, then not try at all. Downriver.Jennifer call me tomorow. |
Jennifer Boardman
| Posted on Friday, March 11, 2005 - 11:05 pm: |     |
Dear Negative Anonymous - May I ask if you have ever actually been to the aquarium? Have you seen it's domed roof veneered in aqua glass? Have you seen the Golden Skafia, which is extinct in the wild? Have you seen the bamboo sharks, products of a virgin birth (see National Geographic News - Virgin birth - Sharks)? If you answer no to any of these, come on out to the aquarium this weekend. I would enjoy seeing your reaction to Detroit's unique, lovely old aquarium. Why don't you join us -- you know you want to. Come out and introduce yourself, I'll be there. Best personal regards, and I hope to see you there. |
| Posted on Saturday, March 12, 2005 - 10:18 am: |     |
Yes, I've been to the aquarium several times. But it is time for FOBIA to get behind the mayor and Mr. Kagan and support the new aquarium. The city need a downtown riverfront aquarium |
| Posted on Saturday, March 12, 2005 - 10:04 pm: |     |
A new downtown riverfront aquarium, huh? Really? With what money? If a city doesn't have the money (supposedly) to keep the little jewel it already has, exactly how is this mysterious super aquarium going to be funded? It's not. We're not getting a fancy new aquarium. I don't know about the rest of FOBIA, but I don't make it a habit to back corrupt politicians. Keep in mind that FOBIA is not being paid a dime for their efforts while certain people ARE on payroll obviously to fleece people like you into believing there will be a new aquarium. An intelligent person can figure out the truth. Also, like Jennifer says, come on down to the aquarium and see the one we DO have and CAN keep! Get behind US to keep the treasures we already have in our hands. The old saying goes...A bird (or fish) in hand is worth 2 in the bush (or in a non-existent imaginary super aquarium). |
Diana R. Dubbeld (Diana)
| Posted on Sunday, March 13, 2005 - 11:35 am: |     |
We have a riverfront aquarium, its on an island in the middle of the river, can't get any closer than that! |
marty cadwell
| Posted on Wednesday, March 16, 2005 - 2:16 am: |     |
Regarding a downtown superaquarium and the comments of a certain Anonymous (there seems to be more than one) and Jack Lessenberry, who recently wrote an awful article in the Metro Times. Supporters of the Belle Isle Aquarium should understand this issue clearly. It is important for the campaign to keep the BIA open and, if it is closed, the mayoral campaign, and subsequent efforts to reopen the BIA. It is important because it is crucial to answering the question so many people ask when talking about the threatened closing of the BIA---"WHY?" "Why do they want to close it?" Mayor Kilpatrick and Zoo Director Kagan want to close the BIA because they want to build a downtown superaquarium, which Detroit supposedly "should have." (Lessenberry) Why? (1) Financing and building a superaquarium will cost about 100 to 150 million dollars. Huge money will be made by the law firm appointed to handle the legalities, the investment bank which issues the bonds, the contractors who build it, and the consultants and feasability analysts who get get paid to work on the project. Whenever this much money is involved, there is ample space for corruption in the form of inflated contracts, easy money for routine analyses and opinions, and the skim off the bonds. A handful of people will get rich. A bloated management team will also probably be appointed to overseer the place too. Money is the primary motivator here. 2) Kagan probably believes that this additional responsibility will justify substantially raising his salary. There is also a lot of ego involved. As for the feasability of such a project---it's ludicrous. The only two superaquariums which sustain operations through admissions fees are in Monterey Bay, California (60 or 70 miles south of a little town folks may have heard of called San Francisco) and the Aquarium of the Americas in New Orleans. All the rest require major non-profit support to survive. Probably somewhere between 100 and 1000 tourists travel to the SF Bay area and New Orleans for every 1 tourist who chooses to vacation in Detroit. (people who come back for a week or two just or mainly to see family don't count. SF and NO and every city has those types of visitors. they are not really "tourists.") Nor does Detroit have the population base to support a superaquarium based on mainly local visitors at roughly $20 for an adult admission. A superaquarium would cost around 20 million dollars a year to operate. It would drain an enormous amount of money from other local non-profits and /or the City. (or go bankrupt) In short, Mayor K's and Director K's talk of building a superaquarium is a recipe for financial disaster for Detroit's taxpayers based on greed and grandiose delusions----a huge bond issue and massive operating costs for a facility that is unsustainable based on real life tourism and population facts. A pipedream that would become a financial nightmare if it happened. (See, once the deal makers, professional "experts" and builders have cashed in, who cares about the long run consequences? Who cares that the people of Detroit will have to oay the bills for a place that's so expensive to visit that they visit it rarely, if ever) Talk of a superaquarium also simultaneously serves as a smokescreen to pacify and mollify people who are saddened and (much better) angered, outraged, and disgusted by the closing of the BIA. This whole issue demonstrates the bizarre state of public scrutiny of the Kilpatrick Administration and the pathetic lack of critical thinking, investigation, and oversight by the mass media. On the one hand, K and K say the City can't afford to subsidize the BIA (which they never market ---except by threatening to close it) which costs about $500,000 a year to operate and has capital improvement needs of about one million dollars (the price of ONE single family luxury home). On the other hand, they say Detroit can build and operate a superaquarium which would probably cost around 150 million to build and 20 million a year to run. And no one in the media has the nerve or brains to point out that these guys are crazy. I think that we should be clear---talk of a superaquarium is at once a pipedream and a smokescreen---and we should say so. |
| Posted on Wednesday, March 16, 2005 - 9:57 pm: |     |
Good post, Marty. |
| Posted on Thursday, March 17, 2005 - 10:30 am: |     |
I know someone mentioned about selling t-shirts for $20, I think that would be a great idea. You also could sell the coffee cups for $10,and the bumper stickers for $5. I know not everyone has a computer,so is it possible to buy this items anywhere else? Do you think if one of the major stores would let us stand outside to sell this items on a Friday,or anyother day? |
Debbie Kish
| Posted on Thursday, March 17, 2005 - 11:16 am: |     |
The shirts at the conservatory sell for $20 which I think is fair. Too bad there are no postcards or other little things that we could sell for the aquarium. The male clerk there said many people have asked to buy these items but they stopped selling souvenirs years ago. As for selling our stuff outside of other stores...I don't think we'd be allowed to do that unless perhaps it's at one of the places that support the aquarium. |
Alex Krentzin
| Posted on Thursday, March 17, 2005 - 4:14 pm: |     |
A couple of professional graphic designers are working on logo designs. Once the group decides which logo is to be used, I think we should be careful of what is produced and sold, so everything looks good and contains the official logo. |
Alex Krentzin
| Posted on Thursday, March 17, 2005 - 4:16 pm: |     |
Also, when is the next meeting??? The graphic designers need to know in order to schedule their work time properly, to produce a logo for The Friends. |
| Posted on Thursday, March 17, 2005 - 4:21 pm: |     |
jennifer,did you receive my e-mail? If you did not you can find that article at It was the one where the city of taylor recieved 100,000 from wayne county parks and rec. just type in those keywords, and it will show the article. |
| Posted on Thursday, March 17, 2005 - 11:51 pm: |     |
anyone goin to the aquarium this weekend? |
Kathryne Winkler
| Posted on Friday, March 18, 2005 - 12:41 am: |     |
Hi, my daughter and I will be going to the aquarium tomarrow, on Friday. This is her first visit. We plan to shoot a lot of photos. Also we will tour the island including the fountain and the conservatory. Can't wait! It's going to be a fun day! Hope the weather is good. |
Diana R. Dubbeld (Diana)
| Posted on Friday, March 18, 2005 - 12:32 pm: |     |
A small calendar of events: Wed. March 23, 7pm - Cafe Detroit, 1260 Library St, downtown Detroit 48226 Wed. March 30, 7pm - Iroquois Avenue Christ Luthren Church, 2411 Iroquois corner of Livernois, Indian Village Detroit 48214 Rally Dates: Tues. March 29th Noon, Coleman A. Young Bldg. Sat. April 2, 10am at Belle Isle Aquarium City Council Meeting: 30 Day Progress Report to City Council - Wed. 23, 10:30 am at Coleman A. Young Building, 13th floor Fundraiser: Thai Restaurant - to be announced, probably Tues. March 22 Fri. April 1, Fundraising Dinner and Silent Auction, $100/plate at the Detroit Yacht Club on Belle Isle |
| Posted on Saturday, March 19, 2005 - 4:25 pm: |     |
Tickets are going fast!!!!!!! Buy tickets on line or at the aquarium on weekends |
Debbie Kish
| Posted on Thursday, March 24, 2005 - 3:22 pm: |     |
I just read a past post from Architect James in this forum regarding a pencil drawing he did of the aquarium that he was going to donate or sell on ebay. Have you sold it already or is it still in your possession? There will be a silent auction at our fundraiser at the Detroit Yacht Club on April 1 that you can donate it to. I'm sure it would fetch a nice price for our beloved aquarium! |
Alex Krentzin
| Posted on Thursday, March 24, 2005 - 9:09 pm: |     |
Who decides the agenda of the meetings? Whoever does that, can the art/logo committee be placed on the agenda for next week's meeting (3/30)to show the logos that have been produced by area professional graphic designers and talk about flyer/flag/t-shirt production? Thanks Alex PS...Any thought to adopting Robert's Rules of Order for the meetings?? |
Diana R. Dubbeld (Diana)
| Posted on Thursday, March 24, 2005 - 9:28 pm: |     |
I'm not sure who decides. I wanted to talk to you but a family problem needed attending to so I had to leave early. We definately need to get this done for the next meeting. |
| Posted on Saturday, March 26, 2005 - 9:18 pm: |     |
I heard that City Counsilperson Sharon McPhail was at the aquarium Saturday. Did she have anything positive to say? |
| Posted on Sunday, March 27, 2005 - 9:38 am: |     |
Just go pay uour last respects and wait for the new aquarium to open |
| Posted on Sunday, March 27, 2005 - 9:33 pm: |     |
Anonymous Got your check book out for that 150 million $ Get real there is no new aquarium!! Where are the plans? Where is the location? |
| Posted on Monday, March 28, 2005 - 2:26 am: |     |
Regarding a new giant downtown aquarium: 1. It is patently ludicrous to maintain that Detroit cannot afford to subsidize and renovate the Belle Isle Aquarium (annual operating costs, $500,000, maximum deficit, $385,000---with NO marketing---renovations about $1,000,000---with the single largest repair (roof) covered by a corporate donation; but Detroit can afford a giant aquarium which would cost at least $100 million to build and $20 million a year to operate. That's a 100 times larger capital expenditure and 40 times larger operating cost. That's like saying I can't afford to maintain my 1992 Honda, but I can afford a fleet of Hummers (or Escalades or Navigators)(not just one) that cost a hundred times more to buy and forty times more to run. Get real! Delusional as usual. KK and RK may believe that if they build it, they will come. However, Detroit is utterly lacking in the tourist business to support such an aquarium without massive public (like the People Mover) and/ or private subsidies. 2. The Belle Isle Aquarium provides low cost, affordable high quality recreation for children, families, and individuals. The quality could be raised with modest new investment in small wireless flat video/TV screens (placed where the various information plaques are now), portable headsets (like at the DIA), and, perhaps a large circular tank in the rotunda area under the dome. Adults get into the BIA for $4, seniors over 62 and kids 2 to12 for $3, kids under 2 and Detroit Zoo members free. A giant aquarium would cost at least $20 for an adult admission and about half that for children. (Chicago's Shedd---and it's not new---$23 for an adult) This price would be prohibitive for a very large number of Detroiters and many suburbanites. Obviously, it would be built mainly to serve tourists and business travelers. The majority of Detroiters could not afford to go there at all. Quality, affordable recreation is an essential city service. If a mayor wants to eliminate quality affordable recreation, an essential city service, and "replace" it with an expensive tourist attraction, this raises the question, JUST WHOSE MAYOR IS THIS GUY? Hopefully, the mayor and his advisors will realize this before it's too late. If not, he and they will have handed his opponents a very important and highly symbolic issue for the upcoming campaign(s). It will also not go unnoticed if the Belle Isle Aquarium is abandoned by the "Detroit" Zoo and its Society while the Zoo gets about $4 million dollars of Detroit taxpayer money a year, and the "Detroit" Zoological Society spent $38 million dollars in Royal Oak in the last 10 years and less than $100,000 at the Aquarium in Detroit (on one filtration system). This is institutional racism which harms black people of Detroit, many of whom are low income the MOST, because, in general, they have the greatest unmet needs for high quality low cost recreation (the lack of things to do in Detroit, especially for kids), and simulataneously harms everyone, regardless of nationality ("race") and economic status, because if the BI Aquarium closes, it will be closed for EVERYONE. And Mayor Kwame Kilpatrick, the black mayor of an 80% black, and 40 or 50 % low income city aquiesces, no endorses and advocates, this BS?!? For the sake of a downtown hyperaquarium the city can't afford and many (probably most) of its residents could not afford to go to?? He's taking a big risk. (I wish I knew more about Detroit's economic demographics and will try to learn more ASAP. But note. Detroit's unemployment rate is OFFICIALLY 14%. (It's bound to be higher for black Detroiters.) And, like all official unemployment rates, does NOT count those discouraged workers who have exhausted their 6 months unemployment benefits and have stopped looking for work. Nationally, about half of all black retirees depend on SOCIAL SECURITY ALONE to support themselves. (Remember, Detroit is 80% black; its seniors probably are too). The social security as sole source of income rate is probably not too much off that for black Detroiters, although auto pensions may make Detroit's rate somewhat lower. A certain percentage of Detroiters are on workfare, the post-Clinton version of welfare. Add to all these the many Detroiters working for from minimum wage to $10 or $12 an hour, and it seems likely that at least 40 or 50% of Detroiters are low income.) 3. The Belle Isle Aquarium has a fantastic collection of fish housed in beautiful exhibits in a stunning building. Its up close and personal size adds to the richness of viewing its great exhibits. Bigger is not always better. (to me, the only hard physical improvement question would be whether to add a big circular tank under the rotunda (the base of which is already in place) or open it up again (like it appears in the old photos near the entrance). So negative Anonymous, thanks, but no thanks. We will not be waiting for the "new aquarium" to open, which as the other Anonymous points out, probably never will. (Who'd buy the bonds? It would be like GM issuing 100-150 million of new corporate bonds now to build a new giant factory somewhere. GM's bonds are already rated just above junk, as are Detroit's). Instead we will strive to keep the Belle Isle Aquarium open, and if the Mayor insists on closing it, strive to re-open it. |
| Posted on Tuesday, March 29, 2005 - 9:44 am: |     |
I hear you. It is bad enough that I can't get my other half there because he is afraid of the crime. We make enough to get by,so a $20 ticket we would not go to a new aquarium.The mayor,I wonder if his motto is " It is good to be the KING". |
| Posted on Wednesday, March 30, 2005 - 9:39 pm: |     |
How have the crowds been at the aquarium this week? I've heen working and havent had a chance to get down there. hopefully I'll make it this weekend. Anyone else going? |
Jennifer Boardman
| Posted on Tuesday, June 14, 2005 - 8:55 am: |     |
Greetings everyone. The Belle Isle Aquarium though mostly empty, is not dead. We have adopted the gardens in front of the aquarium and the urns at the comfort station, and tend them regularly. We believe the next administration will help to reopen The Belle Isle Aquarium. Yes, we will have to start from scratch, and yes we are no longer the oldest, continuously running aquarium, but that's okay. We still need volunteers to cover summer events, hand out flyers and make it known we have not forgotten the Belle Isle Aquarium. If the present administration continues, the aqaurium may be lost forever. |