Welcome to the Friends of Belle Isle Aquarium Aquarium Archive

Please note: This is an archived site and does not pertain to present events. For contmporary sites. go to:
- Friends of Belle Isle Aquarium (Facebook)
- The Belle Isle Aquarium
- Belle Isle Conservancy
This site covers the years 2004-2010, when the Aquarium was Closed during the Kwame Kilpatrick Administration.
The archive is incomplete as many of the external links are no longer active.
Some of the links are directed at media organizations that have their own archives, where you can obtain the desired information from a given link, usually for a small fee. Despite these drawbacks, the archive is fairly content rich, and gives a good overview of the dark years of the struggle to reopen the Belle Isle Aquarium.
The Friends of Belle Isle Aquarium have come a long way since those early days. Most of the interaction is carried our on their Facebook site, which now comprises hundreds of members.
As of this date (2015) The Belle Isle Aquarium is under the auspices of the Belle Isle Conservancy and Belle Isle itself is leased by the City of Detroit to the Michigan Department of Natural Resources, Parks Department for thirty years.
Use the search engine to find specific pages.
The website is also fully available on the Content Page. Enjoy.