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Volunteers Needed in August (2007)

You can help promote the reopening of the BIA!

Help the Friends of Belle Isle Aquarium succeed and have fun at the same time! Volunteer to help us build good will and promote the importance of reopening the Belle Isle Aquarium at Campus Martius and/or the Belle Isle Grand Prix.

August 29 - Buzz Bar at Campus Martius

The Friends of Belle Isle Aquarium will be the featured nonprofit at the August 29 �Buzz Bar Wednesdays� from 5pm � 9pm at Campus Martius in the heart of Downtown Detroit. This is the finale of a summer-long concert series held every Wednesday featuring the best in live music from Detroit. Each week the Buzz Bar has invited a local nonprofit to participate in the festivities and the proceeds from drink sales with a portion of the gross sales going to the nonprofit. Of course, we will also be selling memberships, our beautiful logo t-shirts, pictures with Gramps the Giant Gourami, washable tattoos for kids, Aquarium pins, and fish drink cups and receiving 100 % from the sale of these items.

Volunteers are needed for 2 or more hours to set up our �booth�, sell memberships, Friends of BIA t-shirts, drink cups and pins; take photos with Gramps, put on tattoos and promote the reopening of the Aquarium. There�s parking nearby and you�re sure to have fun at this lively event which will feature a Who's Who of A-list local bands. Set-up begins at 4 pm.

If you would like to volunteer for this event, please contact Diane Stiller at (313) 832-1058 or by email: dianestiller@sbcglobal.net by Monday, August 27. 

Please spread the word to people you know who may be interested in attending or volunteering for this event.

August 31 � September 2 � Detroit Belle Isle Grand Prix

The Friends of Belle Isle Aquarium will operate a booth at the 2007 Detroit Belle Isle Grand Prix, a three day event scheduled for the Labor Day weekend: Friday, August 31, through Sunday, September 2. Our booth will be located in the Meijer Family Fun Zone which is within the race course track near the skating pavilion. The hours are from 8 am to 7 pm. Check out the Detroit Belle Isle Grand Prix�s website www.detroitgp.com for more details about the race.

We need volunteers to spread the word on what we have been doing to try and reopen the Aquarium; distribute flyers and bookmarks; sell colorful BIA t-shirts, photographs, tattoos, and jewelry; take pictures of people with Gramps our Giant Gourami fish and/or our amazing Electric Eel; help kids make fish sticks; and . ask people to record and submit their memories of the Aquarium.

Show your support. Sign up as a Volunteer and experience the Detroit Belle Isle Grand Prix. We�d love to see you!

Click here for sign-up to volunteer for the Friends of Belle Isle Aquarium booth at the Detroit Belle Isle Grand Prix.

STEPHEN - Below is what you go to when you Click from here.


Friends of BIA Detroit Grand Prix

Volunteer Information

Volunteers must be at least 18 years of age by August 30, 2007.

Volunteers must be able to stand/walk outdoors for a 4-hour shift.

Volunteers must complete the Application and sign the Waiver. The application is not valid if the waiver is not signed.

Dress code will be business casual. We suggest you wear the Friends of Belle Isle Aquarium logo t-shirt, event credential, and comfortable shoes. Please: no jeans, no halters, no flip-flops. A logo t-shirt may be purchased for $6.


If you are interested in experiencing the Detroit Belle Isle Grand Prix:

Review the shifts available,

Complete the application indicating what days and shifts you are willing to work,

Sign the waiver, and

Return the completed application no later than 8 pm Wednesday, August 29, 2007 to:

Diane Stiller, Volunteer Chair, Email: dianestiller@sbcglobal.net; FAX: (313) 832-1044.

If you are not able to submit your application by email or fax, don�t let that stop you from volunteering. Please call Diane at (313) 832-1058 with your application information and you can submit the form at a later date.





Friends of Belle Isle Aquarium

Volunteer Application

Detroit Belle Isle Grand Prix 2007

Volunteer Contact Information: (Please Print Clearly)

Name _______________________________________

Phone _______________________ Cell Phone __________________________

Email ____________________________________________________________


Please check all of the days and shifts that you would like to work.

___ Thurs or Friday, Aug. 30 or 31 � Details later Set up the booth

___ Friday, Aug 31 8:00 am �12:00 pm Operate the booth

___ Friday, Aug 31 12:00 pm � 4:00 pm Operate the booth

___ Friday, Aug 31 4:00 pm � 7:00 pm Operate/Close for night

___ Saturday, Sept 1 8:00 am �12:00 pm Operate the booth

___ Saturday, Sept 1 12:00 pm � 4:00 pm Operate the booth

___ Saturday, Sept 1 4:00 pm � 7:00 pm Operate/Close for night

___ Sunday, Sept 2 8:00 am �12:00 pm Operate the booth

___ Sunday, Sept 2 12:00 pm � 4:00 pm Operate the booth

___ Sunday, Sept 2 4:00 pm � 8:00 pm Operate/Tear down booth



If you only want to volunteer for one shift, but are available for certain days and shifts, please indicate that information below and your preferences.

Comments: _______________________________________________________

Friends of Belle Isle Aquarium

Volunteer Application

Detroit Belle Isle Grand Prix 2007


In Consideration of being allowed to participate in the Detroit Belle Isle Grand Prix, and related events and activities, I agree to release and waive any and all claims, causes of action and/or lawsuits against Friends of Belle Isle Aquarium, a Michigan non-profit corporation, its members, agents, volunteers, representatives, officers, and directors, the Detroit Belle Isle Grand Prix, and all other sponsoring organizations (�Released Parties�), of any loss or damage due to bodily injury, death, property damage or any other damages sustained while participating in the Detroit Belle Isle Grand Prix, and related events and activities. I also agree to indemnify, defend and hold harmless the Released Parties from and against any and all actions, claims and/or damages, including costs and attorney fees, due to personal injury, property damage or intangible damage, asserted by any third person, caused directly, in whole or in part by the conduct of Applicant, and applicant�s agents, employees, except where the negligence of the Released Parties is a contributing cause of the damage.

I also agree to conform to and to comply with all the rules and regulations governing this event as well as the directions, safety requirements, instructions and regulations of the Detroit Police and the Grand Prix Directors.

The Undersigned expressly agrees that the foregoing release, waiver, and indemnity agreement is intended to be as broad and inclusive as is permitted by the laws of the State of Michigan, and that if any portion of this agreement is held invalid, then the balance shall, notwithstanding, continue in full legal force and effect.

THE UNDERSIGNED HAS READ AND VOLUNTARILY SIGNS THE RELEASE AND WAIVER OF LIABILITY AND INDEMNITY AGREEMENT, and further agrees that this agreement can not be modified by any oral representations or inducements.


______________________________________ ___________

Signature Date


Print Name